Coherent Neurofeedback
Neurofeedback for ADD/ADHD
Neurofeedback has “Best Support” in treating ADHD
The prestigious American Academy of Pediatrics recently reviewed scientific evidence about non-medical treatments for ADHD. They placed neurofeedback in the top tier has having "Best Support" in scientific research for treatment of ADHD without medication. If your pediatrician is not aware of this rating, contact us and provide us with his or her contact information. We will be delighted to send your pediatrician this AAP document and other summaries of the research.
Neurofeedback: ADD + ADHD Treatment without Medication.
The potential limits of medications
Medications help many people with ADHD or ADD. But often symptoms remain despite medication. Some people have lasting negative side effects. Some do not benefit at all. Even when medications help, they do not solve the core problem in ADHD – reduced activity in the brain’s attention networks. That is why people with attention deficit disorder may need to continue to take the medications every day, probably for the rest of their lives. But most people do not continue medication long term. More than 75% of teens refuse to take their medication.
Sadly, adolescence is the time when they need help the most: Academic demands increase. Risks from impulsivity grow dramatically. Impulsive aggression at recess is one thing: poor impulse control while driving or dating is a much more serious risk. Many choose neurofeedback because it is a natural ADHD treatment without medication
Neurofeedback for ADHD + ADD
Neurofeedback, also called EEG biofeedback, is a research proven way to help you improve your brain function through intensive brain training exercises. Although the technology is complex, the process is simple, painless, and non-invasive. It is just learning. You learn to alter your brain activity the same way.
Research on neurofeedback for ADHD + ADD
There is a solid body of research showing that neurofeedback is an effective treatment for ADHD and ADD. A statistical study of all the existing research was published in a neurology journal in 2009. At that time, more than 10 controlled studies had been completed. The results showed a significant benefit of neurofeedback for attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity when compared to control groups who received computerized attention exercises, group therapy, muscle activity biofeedback, and being placed on a wait list. Follow up studies indicate that these improvements are lasting.
Attention deficit disorder is associated with decreased activity in attention networks in the brain, especially in the front part of the brain – the frontal lobe. Several studies have shown increased frontal lobe activity after neurofeedback, documenting that neurofeedback is addressing the core problem in ADHD, not just temporarily reducing the symptoms. At the Brain + Stem, we recommended coherent qEEG neurofeedback when:
medications do not help or do not help enough
medications result in side effects
clients prefer not to use medication
adolescents refuse medication
clients do not want to have to use stimulants over the longer term
Neurofeedback is often especially helpful with the difficulties with frustration, irritability, anger, anxiety, and mood that very often accompany ADHD.
See the problem, then correct it.
ADHD results from problems in attention networks in the brain. Medications just treat the symptoms and do not correct the source of the problem. At the Brain + Stem, our approach is different. We measure brain function with a quantitative EEG brain map, so that you can see the reason for your difficulties. This image shows the problem for one of our clients – reduced activity (shown in red) in frontal attention centers. Once we see the source of the problem in the brain, we target that area for change with coherent neurofeedback brain training. This allows you to reshape your brain, not just mask your symptoms.